Introducing MEASURE: Revolutionising Your Recruitment Process

Finding the right candidate for your business goes beyond a good CV and interview performance. It’s about ensuring they have the skills, experience, and cultural fit to thrive in your unique work environment. More than half  (54%) of UK employers are planning to shift to a skills-based hiring process rather than focus on jobseekers’ education….

Finding the right candidate for your business goes beyond a good CV and interview performance. It’s about ensuring they have the skills, experience, and cultural fit to thrive in your unique work environment. More than half  (54%) of UK employers are planning to shift to a skills-based hiring process rather than focus on jobseekers’ education. That’s where our new product, MEASURE, comes into play. By utilising behavioural, psychometric, and organisational assessment tools, Identifi MEASURE helps businesses streamline their recruitment process and find the perfect match for their company. A skills based- hiring approach prioritises a candidates abilities and knowledge over past jobs titles and education, leading to a more effective recruitment process.


The Benefits of Using Identifi MEASURE


Comprehensive Candidate Evaluation


Behavioural Assessments: Understand a candidate’s tendencies and predict their reactions in various work scenarios. This helps in determining their problem-solving abilities, communication styles, and teamwork potential, ensuring they align with your business needs.

Psychometric Assessments: Evaluate cognitive abilities, personality traits, and emotional intelligence. These tests identify candidates who not only meet technical requirements but also possess the right mindset and attitude for the role.

Organisational Assessments: Gain insights into your current team dynamics and broader company culture. This allows for the identification of candidates who will seamlessly integrate and contribute positively to your work environment.



Enhance and streamline your hiring process:

Tailored Interview Questions: Generate strategic interview questions based on assessment results, enabling a deeper exploration of each candidate’s capabilities.

Video Interview: Save time and resources by allowing candidates to record video responses to specific questions, making the interview process more efficient.

Integrated Process: Link all assessments into a single, seamless online process for a better candidate experience and easier interpretation of results.

Candidate Matching Algorithms: Get detailed insights into how well each candidate fits the desired attributes for the role, aiding in a more data-driven selection process.



Identifi MEASURE: The Solution to Skills-Based Hiring


Identifi MEASURE is designed to address the specific needs of skills-based hiring. Here’s how:

  1. Objective Skills Assessment: MEASURE employs a variety of tools to objectively evaluate a candidate’s skills, ensuring that hiring decisions are based on concrete data rather than subjective impressions. This includes behavioural and psychometric assessments that measure a candidate’s true abilities.
  2. Customized Job Fit Analysis: By analysing the specific skills required for each role, MEASURE helps in creating tailored job descriptions focusing on the skills needed. This helps in attracting candidates who are a better fit for the role from the start.
  3. Enhanced Diversity and Inclusion: Skills-based hiring, supported by MEASURE, reduces biases associated with traditional hiring methods. By focusing on skills, organisations can tap into a more diverse talent pool, fostering an inclusive work environment.
  4. Continuous Skills Development: MEASURE not only helps in hiring the right talent but also in identifying development needs for current employees. This aligns with the skills-based hiring philosophy of continuous learning and development, ensuring employees grow and adapt to new challenges.
  5. Real-Time Feedback and Adaptation: The platform allows for real-time feedback and adaptation of hiring processes. As organisational needs evolve, MEASURE provides the flexibility to adjust assessment criteria and processes, ensuring alignment with business goals.



For HR and L&D teams, MEASURE is a game-changer.


It ensures that new hires align with the company’s values and expectations, fostering a cohesive work environment. By reflecting core values in the assessment tools and regularly updating criteria to match organisational changes, HR teams can maintain a strong cultural alignment.

Learning and Development (L&D) professionals can also greatly benefit from this solution. By collaborating with business psychologists or consultants specialising in organisational and team psychology, they can: 

Identify Development Needs: Pinpoint areas where employees need additional support or training, ensuring development programmes are tailored to address specific gaps.

Promote Career Progression: Recognise and nurture employees with leadership potential or those suited for more challenging roles, fostering a culture of growth and advancement.



Assisting business managers and HR teams in addressing Cultural issues


We can assist business managers and HR teams in identifying and addressing cultural issues within the organisation:

Monitor Organisational Health: Regular assessments highlight areas of cultural misalignment or emerging subcultures, allowing for timely interventions.

Foster Inclusivity: Use assessment insights to promote diversity and inclusivity, creating an environment where all employees feel valued and included.



Elevate your recruitment strategy with Identifi MEASURE:




Additional Features of MEASURE


360° Feedback: Obtain a well-rounded view of how everyone interacts within the team, handles responsibilities, and contributes to the work environment.

Off-the-Shelf Assessments: Quickly select candidates using pre-developed psychometric reports, including personality profiles, onboarding, team strengths, and leadership assessments.

Diversity Monitoring: Collect equal opportunities information to ensure a diverse and inclusive recruitment process.

White Labelling: Customise your assessment platform to reflect your company’s branding, providing a consistent candidate experience.

Security and Compliance: Ensure GDPR compliance and accessibility with a secure and user-friendly platform.




Real-World Success


A recent case study in the financial services and fintech sector highlighted the impact of Identifi MEASURE. A fast-growing fintech startup utilised MEASURE to assess cultural alignment among candidates. By focusing on cultural fit, they reduced the cost of poor hires, enhanced retention, and built a more cohesive team.



This service is perfect for:


Businesses looking to streamline their recruitment process and find candidates who match their unique work environment

HR teams that are responsible for hiring candidates and ensuring they fit the organisation’s values and expectations

Those responsible for L&D aiming to support employee growth and Retention

Business psychologists or consultants who specialise in organisational and team psychology

Business managers and HR teams looking to flag any cultural issues across the business



Embracing Skills-Based Hiring


By integrating skills-based hiring into your recruitment strategy, organisations can address many challenges faced by modern employers. Skills-based hiring not only improves job performance and employee retention but also fosters a diverse and inclusive workplace​. This approach, supported by the comprehensive assessments of Identifi MEASURE, can significantly enhance your recruitment process.