Started a new job? 3 self-doubts that you need to combat now

We’re always told that starting a new job is an exciting and positive change – and for the most part, it is.  Yet, it can be difficult to avoid the feelings of self-doubt that often come hand-in-hand with such a big lifestyle change.  “What if I’m no good?” “What if I’m not working hard enough?”…

We’re always told that starting a new job is an exciting and positive change – and for the most part, it is. 

Yet, it can be difficult to avoid the feelings of self-doubt that often come hand-in-hand with such a big lifestyle change. 

“What if I’m no good?”

“What if I’m not working hard enough?”

“What if nobody likes me?”

If you’ve never thought or felt any of these things, it’s great that you know your worth and feel confident in your abilities. But if you have – and, since you’re reading this article, I assume that’s the case – it might comfort you to know that you’re not alone. 

Here are three common self-doubts that you might experience as a new starter – and how to overcome them. 

1. “I can’t do this job”

Feeling like you can’t do your new job is the most common doubt that you might experience as a new starter. 

But, what you’ve got to remember is: You’re brand new. Chances are, yes, at this moment in time you might not be able to do this job at the same speed and standard as everyone else at the company. But you will. 

This is your time to learn and develop. It’s all about asking questions, taking in your new environment, and getting your head around your responsibilities and new ways of working.

Never be afraid to ask what might seem like a “silly” question”

Never be afraid to ask what might seem like a “silly” question. Knowing is always better than guessing – and your coworkers will appreciate you asking for clarity far more than you winging your way through the role out of fear of appearing incompetent. Even if you have to ask two or three times – ask. This will never reflect badly on you.

A great way to get to grips with your role quickly is by asking for hands-on training. Learning the ropes by doing the tasks yourself whilst someone watches over you is far better than just watching someone else do the role and taking notes. 

My ultimate advice here is just to do your best to get up to speed – but, at the same time, be patient with yourself and have the confidence that you will pick things up over time. Think about it, in your previous roles did you know everything from week one or did you grow from strength to strength over time? 

Your manager certainly has that confidence in you, otherwise, they wouldn’t have hired you. Believe in your ability. 

2.  “I’m not working hard enough”

You want to make a good impression – I get that. 

A lot of us have felt that imposter syndrome that often comes with starting a new role. And, while it’s important to do your best, don’t push yourself too hard out of fear that you aren’t working hard enough. 

Take your lunch breaks, leave the office (or, if you work from home, the desk in your spare room) on time, and turn off your work devices on the weekends. No reading work-related emails on a Saturday when work should be the last thing on your mind – I mean it. 

I know you want to seem willing and eager – but, trust me, all of that will come across in the quality of your work, rather than the number of hours you put in. And, in turn, the quality of your output will be far better if you come into work feeling energised and refreshed, rather than drained because you’re not letting yourself take a break. 

One last thing. If you are feeling compelled to work beyond your office hours, then it’s time to talk to your manager. Ask them to reiterate what is expected of you in these first few weeks, and your timeframes for each project or task.

If it still feels like too much, ask them for support in managing and delegating some of your workload. Managers aren’t mind-readers, and whilst in an ideal world they’d be breaking you into the role gently, they might not realise just how much you’ve got on your plate. It’s down to you to communicate that to them. 

3. “I don’t fit in”

Lastly, working with a whole new team of strangers can be a challenge in itself for those first few weeks. But don’t get disheartened if you don’t immediately feel like you fit in. 

Most of your new colleagues will have already formed bonds and working relationships, and there might be a few inside jokes that’ll go over your head. But soon enough, you’ll find your place in the team. 

After all, those groups of colleagues you see laughing together in the kitchen all probably felt exactly the same way as you do now on their first day – and look at them now. 

“Be patient and manage your expectations”

My advice is to be patient and manage your expectations – work relationships take a while to cultivate. All you can do is make an effort to get to know people, be as friendly and helpful as you can be, and let these bonds form naturally. 

Also, don’t try to be anything other than your authentic self. In fact, your amazing personality is likely what got you the job in the first place. 

If you worked with an identifi recruiter, for example, they would’ve spent a lot of time considering your personality fit for your current role – both working with the client and yourself and assessing your identifiMe personality assessment results to check you are a good match.

So, be yourself – it’s gotten you this far.

You’re doing great

Ultimately, your mental and physical well-being should be your top priority. 

I’ve seen enough talented new starters tie themselves in knots over the years when there’s no need to stress, 

As long as you’re making the effort to build new relationships with your colleagues and learn the ropes in your new role, then you’re doing your best to make this role a success. 

That’s all anyone can ask of you.

Make your first few weeks a success. Head to our blog for more expert career advice.


Images via Unsplash and Pixabay.